Process automation

Do more, quicker and with fewer errors

Time is precious

You or your team most likely have tasks they do on a regular basis. Perhaps even most of your time revolves around doing the same tasks over and over: Creating users, fill out forms, sending outreach emails, you name it. By reducing the time you spend on these tasks you will have more time to focus on the less trivial tasks.

Do you need some examples?


Complete automation is when there is no longer any work required in doing the task that needed to be done. These tasks are usually scheduled tasks or tasks where you have to do a very specific set of actions in response to a change. This could be pulling reports or sending a specific email whenever something happens.

See problem vs solution examples →


Some tasks are not suitable to be fully automated. There are a lot of reason for that but when it comes down to there are two overarching reasons: You possess knowledge that makes the steps slightly different or you need to interpret the output somehow, that is not feasible for the computer to do.

Should I consider it?

Are you still considering if it would make sense, to invest in process/automation optimization?
Use our calculator below, and get a quick estimate on the return on investment.

You would save: nothing yearly

It does not seem likely that we will be able to give you the return on investment that you are hoping for in the timeline you are hoping for.

You can still consider automating to reduce risk of errors when doing manual tasks.

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